So we´ve been out of internet service for the past week...currently we are roasting in Malacatan! But to back up a week....we arrived into Guatemala in true Central American style...late!
SnV were there waiting with big smiles...we were a little worried how they would fair, but they found a friend who spoke english and entertained them until we arrived. The airport in Guatemala is surprisingly nice!
Everything went well...we had a great night sleep in a hostel close to the airport and got a transfer to our bus heading into the highlands.
The 3 hour bus ride was pretty much a roller coaster ride all the way, but this country is so beautiful!!! We are constantly amazed at how green it is. I suppose that is one advantage to coming at the end of rainy season!
Archie and Pedro picked us up in Xela (shayla), a beautiful mountain town and took us to Pachaj (9000ft) to hang for a few days.
So far everything has been pretty uneventful in the sense that nothing crazy has happened. Great food, Great people, Great country!
The corn here makes Andrew look like a midget, so that tells you how lush everything is and how well things grow here. It reminds us a lot of Peru in the mountains with all the crop tiers, Qui-che culture and corn!
We are enjoying all the spicy options for topping on the food...turns bland into YUM!
Everyone here has a story, and it´s pretty cool to meet and hear them all.
In the highlands it´s primarily indian (Qui-che) culture and they are very industrious, wealthy people for this country. We are very surprised at how well these people do, we were certainly not expecting that.

We have even had hot showers!!! Heated by wood stove...well not exactly, but you´ll see what we mean when you see the pics.
We visited a man who has a cloth business. It was very interesting to see the looms and the beautiful silk cloth his business makes.
So we´ve spent a week here already and now we are up to more visiting etc here at malacatan which is a stark contrast with humidity and heat to the cool temps of the highlands. We feel like we should be moving on, but it has been insisted that we stay with the travelling band...
Currently we are bunked in with a man who has built what started out to possibly be hotel and is now used for annuales...I´m not sure there is a facility for this purpose quite like this one anywhere else. It is beautiful with huge rooms hotel style with ensuite bathrooms...there will be about 450 people here by the weekend...lots of room to accommodate everyone!
I think we´ll leave it here for now...this certainly isn´t like any other trip we´v had...and feel like our experiences aren´t really blog material!
Hope you are all well!
Buenas Tardes!
PS surprisingly our spanish is getting us by...óf course very basically, but we understand alot more than we thought we would and learning more every day!!!
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