Sunday, December 21, 2008


This city of danger has 3 million people that are accounted for and who know how many more...
True to form, I miscalculated our departure time, thinking our return bus was 4pm, when it was 4am! So when we discovered this at noon yesterday, we realized we would be taking ¨local¨ transit...84 person capacity buses with 130 people at least plus luggage and people on the roof...hanging off the back door...¨no such thing as ¨full¨ down here!!!
Andrew was stoked of course for some local culture, but I just haven´t settled into this country the same way yet and was very apprehensive from the get go as the bus collectors were ripping my pack off my back before we´d even negociated a price...not a good start! Oh well as Andrew says...we´re not in Kansas anymore Toto¨ This has been the trip moto so far...
We actually secure a seat and we´re off to Rivas wheere we will connect to Managua.
Of course we are pounced on at arrival and finally one kind local points us in the correct direction to Managua...amongst the many telling us there is no bus, but the y will take us for the small price of $40usd (a $2us bus ride) tin Taxi.

As the bus finally arrives, we´re off and away, only the bus collector won´t give us our tickets when we pay...with a sinking feeling, I suspect trouble since everyone else has gotten there´s...after much ignoring we decide to chill and figure it out in Managua.
When we arrive our bags won´t be given to us until we pay basically our fare twice to this cheaper local version ride has cost us much more than anticipated but we are happy to be away with our bags and getting the heck out of there!
We landed earlier than expected but were happy to wait for a few hours at Archie´ and sound! We enjoyed our lovely Nica meal with ARchie and BEnito from the street for supper...plantin, beans, rice and chicken...Yum!
Thinking of you all and hope you are all well.

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