Friday, December 26, 2008


So it´s up early with the boys for a breakfast of porridge and eggs and ready to meet our truck at 8am for the ride out to Niquinomo where we are to meet an older couple and spend some time there for the day.
George the american shows up with a big diesel dodge ram with 14 people piled in the back with chairs and misc stuff...7 people in the front.
We travelled about 2 hours up over a smallish mountain with amazing views of volcanoes and lakes around...we picked up miscellaneous beings along the way and ended up on a road that was half dug out along the side of it, not sure whether they were building ditches or what the story was, but we pretty much were scraping the fence to avoid derailing. We arrived to an older poor couple´s farm and were welcomed in.
We were served a traditional Nica lunch of fried pork rinds, yucca, coleslaw and rice.
There were some animals kicking around that looked half dead...unbelievable the starvation! As the afternoon was quieting down, the young boy of the house appeared with a largish iguana for us to Andrew was gearing up to take a picture after petting it, the boy suddenly got a rock and smashed the poor critters skull! Apparently it´s quite common as this would be supper for this family...we were a little surprised and Andrew actually got a picture of the fatal blow!
We were back to the batch iwth George doing the full round of drop offs and made plans to head to his coffee plantation for the next day!
Hope you are all well and safe!

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