Saturday, December 27, 2008


Our new friend George Adams from Anaheim and his wife arranged to pick us all up at the boys bach for 8 and off we went. Truck was full of new faces eager to pick some coffee!
I was surprised to learn that coffee grows on a tree 6-10 feet tall similar to saskatoon bushes when they reach full potential, and the beans are red and yellow when ripe and look like a berry. The finca had coffee plants, bananas, lemons, grapefruit and we spent the day harvesting them all...Andrew was pleased to put his newly found machete skills to use slicing down bananas! It was incredibly hot, but surprising not too bad for picking as we were mostly in the I understand shade grown coffee...anyway we decided we´d keep our day jobs since 5 gallons of coffee only yields about $1usd to pick!!!
Lunch time was sandwiches and chips with a little surprise meeting for George´s friends...First time I was in a meeting with pants on and obviously the first time in a Finca! Seemed all emjoyed it without too much of a stir...
Back to the bach to prepare for our camping trip....

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