Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Tonight we're chilling back listening to the jungle come alive at night. We made it over safely from Bocas town to the island of Bastimentos. OUr flight was delayed 2 hours...which seemed normal for the airline. It was raining when we landed and with wondering around we finally found the boat dock to get across. 2 ten year old boys herded us into their little boat and whizzed us across. About mid way through some serious waves I started thinking about how we didn't have any life jackets on board and then all our important docs were in our backpacks which would be quickly at the bottom should we have to abandon ship...we both discovered we were thinking the same thing when we safely landed...our return trip will go differently hopefully!
Andrew is now officially certified diver. He had a blast and did amazing. He was the first graduate of Scuba 6 diving...he just opened up shop with all brand new gear. Cool guy left it all behind in Holland and living hte dream down here.
I am still on the fence with the diving thing...and think I'm still more of a snorkeler...seems to be more "dark" waters than clear carribbean, so it's official, I'm still a water "baby"! :)
We're hoping to make our way up to Montezuma for Christmas...we'll see how we make out.
Our little cabina here in the jungle is many sounds in the jungle at night! It rained here today and is very wet. We went to an amazing beach yesterday after diving and snorkeling...It was a cow trail through the jungle from our cabina...Andrew just took off his sandals through the jungle, it was so muddy.
Up the hill from where we're staying is a little chocolate farm. We have been gorging on truffles and coffee..amazing!!!
Our little cabina is run by an Oregonian and his Thai wife who runs a little restaurant that is well known all up the carribbean coast. So we have also been gorging on Thai food every night and it is the best we've ever had!
So this is a bit of a muddled post, but wanted to get a little update as we're off chasing sunshine in the morning.
Hope this finds you all well!!!

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